Thursday, February 25, 2010

Opening Scene

Don't you love the feeling of walking into a theme park. The anticipation grows as you wait in line to enter. You go through the security post, then you go through the turnstiles. As you walk forward and leave the overhead shelter you find yourself viewing the opening scene of the park. That first moment is a great one. At Kings Island, you feel the mist of the international street fountains as you view the effiel tower straight ahead. The more I think about it, the more I reliaze how designed this experience is. The opening, one point perpsective scene you see is usually crowned with the park's icon (the efief otwer of Kings Island. How interesting.
Does a sunny, onepoint perspective scene evoke happy emotions? I wonder how theme park designers design this openeing scene to fill the viewer with excitment.
Let me know if you have any ideas!

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