Friday, March 19, 2010

blogs are cool

I may not be the best blogger,.. in fact I am sure of that. However, I think blogging can be very beneficial. It seems to be the equivalent of a scientific journal for the design industry. It is good to share ideas with others and to help grow creativity from other's ideas. While I have found it difficult to be a disciplined blogger, I think the idea is a helpful one.

God bless you readers,


Dramatic finish

Just like any good story, a great experience ends with a bang. This could be a soft, cold mystery, or a powerful roar, but it is the climax of the experience. The simple rule is to save your best tricks for last. The Jurassic PArk attraction, at Universal Studios Island of Adventure waits until the end of its ride to raise guests guests up its hill and to send them plunging into the water below, just after coming face to face with a T-rex. They saved the best for last.
As technology increases in the theme park industry, more and more experiences become available. But just as the animation industry, if technology attempts t replace a good story, a ride will loose its quality. The Amazing Adventures of Spider man is a good example of a successful use of technology while keeping the story. This moving 3D cinema of sorts takes guests through the city streets with Spiderman as their leader. The fun story takes advantage of the technology. The fear of some ride enthusiasts is that technology will replace actual moving rides, but this seems unlikely, as simulators have note been able to replicate G forces. My fingers are crossed.

Tower of Terror Case Study 2: surroundings

One of the best things Disney does is support their attractions through the surrounding environments. This is an amazing thing. Not only are the attractions themed, but so are the local restaurants, architecture, and details surrounding the ride. Before a new ride is designed, an appropriate location must allow the ride to feature the correct time period, dolor scheme, architectural style. etc. Tower of Terror os a great example of this. The Hollywood hotel themed ride is featured at the end of Sunset Boulevard. A rarely seen a graphic sign at the beginning of the street advertises for the "new" hotel. The 1930's Hollywood attraction fits in its environment, and even completes the scene. In addition, the rides vibrant purple and orange lighting give the ride a special focus on the street.
THe transformation from 2D design communication to 3D communication is an amazing one. Especially for the enviornmental deisgn world. The goal of a render of to capture the feeling of the mood of a space. This is mimicked through the loose feel of enviornmental renders. However, a 3D model gives space a reality. I wish more physical models were done, these days. While they are time consuming they seem to capture the reality of a space even better than a 3D rendering. There are, of course benefits to the digital renders too, as they are generally quicker, and more photo realistic. I suppose the key is to know when to choose the best method.

Blue - Pink- Sky

One of my favorite parts of the design process is the brainstorming process. In this phases their is no bad ideas and the sky is the limit. Known as the "Blue Sky" stage at Disney, this picture is of an early rendering of the Expedition everest attraction. It is an interesting piece because parts of the attractions layout did not end up being as they are shown here. The picture is telling of the design's though process before the realities of time, space and money set into the ride as it is today.

Tower of Terror Case Study 1: effects

As seen in the picture, special effects can be a very effective way to tell a story, or to express part of it. This example of the "Pepper's Ghost" effect is in Disney's Tower of terror. The mystifying guest effect captures the attention of the viewer. However, one important thing to notice is that the ghosts are part of the story. This isn't simply a random effect for effect sake, but it is used to support the overall story. Very successful experience.